Not a few Indonesian people fall into the sandwich generation group. They face their own challenges because they have the burden of supporting their parents, themselves and their children.
In August 2023, CNBC Indonesia revealed in a survey that 48.7% of productive Indonesians were the sandwich generation. The survey was conducted on 1,828 respondents of productive age aged 25-45 years spread throughout Indonesia in September 2021.
Of this total number, only 13.4% of them are financially prepared. Both in meeting basic expenses, saving and investing. The number is relatively small because the sandwich generation is generally trapped in complicated financial conditions, so they have their own challenges in becoming financially independent.
However, there are various steps that can be taken to break the sandwich generation chain. One of them is by planning for the future through investing in pension funds.
This future planning can be done by utilizing one of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk’s products, namely BRIFINE. The BRI Prioritas and BRI Private programs present a BRIFINE product called BRI Pension Plan Investment which can be utilized by the general public, both individuals and groups/agencies/foundations/institutions.
To break the chain of financial problems often faced by the sandwich generation, customers can take advantage of the Defined Contribution Pension Program (PPIP) from BRIFINE whose contributions are stipulated in the Pension Fund Regulations. All contributions and development results will be recorded in each participant’s account as retirement benefits.
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